Jesus.... Through the eyes of a four year old

Friday, July 25, 2008
The night before last while I was tucking Maya into bed and saying our nightly prayers she decided to ask me a question. Here is the dialogue starting with her question:

"Daddy, can I ask you a question? When we fly way up high in an airplane can Jesus see us? Daddy cause that is where heaven is."
"Of course He can, Jesus can see everything. He is everywhere."
With a perplexed look in her eye Maya simply stared at me. I knew I had to do something... and fast. I said. "Maya do you know where else Jesus is?"
"No daddy, where is He?"
"Jesus is in your heart. If you love Jesus, He is with you always in your heart."
"I love Jesus, does that mean He is in my heart? Daddy, I know you love Jesus too... that means He is in your heart." Suddenly she stopped and smiled. Realizing what she was about to say she chuckled and corrected herself. With a huge smile she said. "Daddy, Finley is too young to love Jesus, huh? She doesn't know any better. "
"Your right she doesn't, but Jesus loves her just like He loves me and you. You know what that means?"
"What?" She asked.
"You need to help me tell her all about Jesus, can you do that?" I asked.
"Of course I can daddy. I can tell her that He is strong (they are weak, but He is strong, yes Jesus loves me...) and that He died on the cross for her."
"That's right! Do you know why He died on the cross for Finley?"
"Because He loves her." Maya replied matter of factly. Before I could say anymore she looked me square in the eyes and said. "Daddy, I love you."
It's as if she knew our conversation reached an end point. You see, she knows that Jesus died on the cross for her because He loves her. It is because of that love that she can tell her sister and others in her life about Jesus. She knows and understands 1 John 4:19 that states. "We love because He first loved us." Do you?

Call Me Mr. Mom (Day 24)

Thursday, July 24, 2008
It was bound to happen sooner or later - I just didn't think it would happen at age four. While at the park the other night I became an informed father because I found that Maya was being pursued by a younger boy in the neighborhood.

While sitting on a park bench watching Maya play another girl (couldn't have been older then 10) came over to me and asked what Maya's name was. By this time Maya was in my lap. I gave her a nudge and asked her to introduce herself. As always Maya didn't say a peep so I acknowledged the other girl and said, "this is Maya." Without any hesitation this girl immediately pointed out to the grass and said. "See that boy out there, he likes her!" Maya and I turned our heads to see who this "boy" might be and there he was, Lucas (see #2 here). Seeking to protect Maya's innocence I said. "Yes, Maya and Lucas are good friends. He is our neighbor." Looking at me as if I didn't understand the girl restates the obvious. "No, you don't understand. Lucas LIKES her!" By now Maya has a puzzled look on her face because she doesn't understand what this girl is talking about. I think she was so perplexed because she knew what I was talking about and didn't understand why the older girl didn't understand me.

I don't know if the relationship between Lucas and Maya will blossom, but I do know this - I like Lucas. Just the other day Lucas was playing "David & Goliath" at the park (he was David). His parents are nice, they attend a local church, and I often hear praise music coming from their house. However, one thing bothers me - he is quite the ladies man. The other day he was at the park on his John Deere hauling around four older women on a tractor that only holds two kids.

(UPDATED @ 4:05)

This just in - I don't like Lucas! He has already gotten Maya to take off her clothes. You see, Lucas parades his manliness around by running around the neighborhood in shorts, a bandanna, and a satchel (to hold his stones when being David in "David & Goliath). No shoes and no shirt! While talking to Lucas from upstairs Maya came over to me to tell me her shirt was stuck on her ponytail. "Maya, why are taking your shirt off?" "Daddy, I am hot." It must be noted that it is not even above 90 right know. Because I was writing about Lucas he was fresh in my mind so I asked, "does Lucas have his shirt off right now? You want your shirt off because Lucas has his off right?" To which she simply replied, "of course daddy!" Needless to say, we had to reach a compromise - so she put on a tank top!

Call Me Mr. Mom (Day 15)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Well, I think this day will be one of the days that I remember most while holding the official title, "Mr. Mom." Let me tell you why:
  1. My day started with Finley crying uncontrollably (this is completely out of her character). It lasted on and off (mostly on) all day. It feels like she is teething so we may be in for a few more days of this.
  2. Amidst Finley's crying I heard Maya yelling at Lucas, our three your old neighbor. It turns out they were fighting over who's father was the strongest (me of course). Maya was visibly and audibly upset with Lucas. He just didn't want to face the fact that I could beat up his dad. Maya ran to me three times in utter frustration telling me that Lucas is making her mad because he just doesn't understand that I am stronger.
  3. I watched Pete's Dragon with Maya today. Don't you just love that movie. It's fantastic. We couldn't sing the songs at the top of our lungs like we usually do because Finley was sleeping. It is good thing that she eventually woke up so Maya and I could sing. While we were watching the movie I had Finley on the floor. We played together and I watched her roll over from back to stomach and then stomach to back. It's official she can do a complete roll over. She can also "lunge". Finley brings her knees up while on her stomach and falls forward, each time moving closer to her desired destination like a toy or pacifier. She has gotten really good at it because she can now do at least four or five "lunges" in a row.
  4. After dinner I promised Maya that I would take her to the "brown" park. (We differentiate our parks by their colors.) I told her to ask her mother if she wanted to go. In front of Heather she replied. "No mommy, you can't go. I am going with daddy all by myself. We need to be alone." Needless to say, Heather let it be and sent us on our way. On our way to the park Maya said. "Daddy, thanks for getting me out of the house. I really needed to get away." Isn't that adorable?

Have a razle dazzle day!

The Eyes of Jesus

Monday, July 14, 2008
The other morning I was on my way to get some donuts for the family. I turned on the radio and an interesting song came on, one that instantly grapped my attention. It didn't grab my attention because of the tune and jingle, it was the lyrics that grapped my attention and made listen attentively. The song is titled, Give Me Your Eyes by Brandon Heath. It has everything to do with my recent post so I thought I would share the words with you.

Looked down from a broken sky, traced out by the city lights
My world from a mile high, best seat in the house tonight
Touched down on the cold black tile, hold on for the sudden stop
Breath in the familiar shock of confusion and chaos
Are those people going somewhere? Why have I never cared?

Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken hearted
Wasnt it far beyond my reach?
Give me your heart for the once forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see again

Step out on a busy street, see a girl and our eyes meet
Does her best to smile at me, to hide whats underneath
Theres a man just to her right, black suit and a bright red tie
To ashamed to tell his wife, he's out of work, he's buying time
Are those people going somewhere?Why have I never cared?


I've Been there a million times, A couple of million eyes
Just moving past me by
I swear I never thought that I was wrong
Well I want a second glance
So give me a second chance
To see the way you see the people all alone

Vantage Point & The Eyes of Jesus

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Over the 4th of July weekend Heather and I rented Vantage Point. It was a good movie, a solid rental if you are looking to have a relaxing (though it is classified as "suspenseful") movie night at home. The movie communicates a sequence of events from multiple points of view. As the movie unfolds more and more perspectives are communicated, leading to the complete unfolding of the actual events. No single perspective is complete, capturing the whole story. Each perspective is lacking something. It is only when they are all pieced together that you see what actually takes place (this is the "suspenseful" part, if you want to call it that).

The movie sent me off on a tangent as I pondered my perspective or vantage point on life, family, and church. Is it right? Is it complete? Who is the center of it? What makes my perspective the best? What can I do to enhance it and broaden my perspective? All these questions are good to ask and can be helpful as long as they stay within the framework of Christ's perspective. In a sense we need to put on new lenses (or clean our existing ones) and see the world through the eyes of Jesus.

There is a story in the Bible where there is a stark contrast between two perspectives. While Jesus is talking with his disciples they listen and begin to picture and imagine something that is familiar and relevant to them. Jesus begins talking to the disciples using present day illustrations that correlate to "worldly" greatness. We know this because Jesus says. "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them." This is something the disciples can see and experience. From their earthly and material vantage point this is exactly what power, greatness, authority, and leadership looked like.

But through the eyes of Jesus it looks completely different. Jesus continues with the disciples by saying. "It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." The emphasis of the last verse of this section of Scripture (Matthew 20:20-28) lays in the phrase, just as the Son of Man. It is as if Jesus is looking his disciples squarely in the eyes imploring them to follow his example and way of life - to view life a bit differently, from his vantage point.

Seeing life through the eyes of Jesus will enable us to set aside our own ambitions of greatness and power, allowing us to serve and love those beyond our wildest imaginations. The eyes of Jesus will make us to funnel our time and talents towards those who are not as privileged and blessed as we might be. Ultimately, the eyes of Jesus will begin to move the rest of our body towards action as we our filled with compassion and love. I don't know about you, but this is a perspective and vantage point that I long for more and more each day - do you?

Call Me Mr. Mom (Day 4)

Friday, July 4, 2008
The last couple days of being Mr. Mom have brought some hilariously funny quotes from my oldest, Maya. I think I should share them with you:
While we are playing "Phillip and Aurora" (those are the main characters from Sleeping Beauty for those who don't know) Maya informed me that I had to be Aurora. I told her I am the boy so I should be Phillip. She didn't like that idea and quickly said. "Daddy, you can't be Phillip because he is not a King. He is only a prince, so here be Aurora." At least she knows the who the king is in my house, huh?
While driving home we passed a mini van (the one that Heather wants) to which Maya said. "Look daddy, it is a van that mommy wants. Let's kick all the people out, steal it, take it home, and give it to mommy."
The third and final quote needs no explanation. Last night Maya walked in on me and asked. "Daddy, why do you go pee-pee like that?"
Needless to say I laughed out loud at each statement by Maya. I look forward to many more. If there are any I will be sure to let you know.

Take A Guess....

We just had Finley's four month old pictures taken. Heather decided that she wanted to have it taken in the same outfit that Maya had her four month old photo taken in. It is amazing to compare the two portraits. There is no doubt that they are sisters. Go ahead, take a look at the two pictures and decide for yourself which one is Maya and which one is Finley.

In case you are wondering - Finley's is on the top and Maya's is on the bottom.

Call Me Mr. Mom (Day 1)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Well, it's 7 in the morning and I am dressed, showered, and sipping on a fresh cup of coffee just waiting for some noise to come from beyond the closed bedroom doors. By all calculations it should be at least another hour before my girls wake up, but only time will tell. I am looking forward to this time with them. It's totally bittersweet. On one hand, I morn with my wife that she has to go back to work (albeit, only for a few weeks) and on the other I am excited to be a full time daddy of two girls (albeit, only for a few weeks). This is why I choose my pink polo shirt to wear today; I need to represent as a daddy of two adorable girls!

I don't expect much difficulty with Maya and Finley, they are easy girls. Maya is getting to the point where she is self sufficient and Finley is so pleasantly mannered that a day with them is very enjoyable, filled with laughter and fun. To be honest with you, I am mainly worried about two things today - being on time and Finley pooping. It is always a task to get kids out the door and to your desired destination on time. Luckily for me we only have two appointments today, one that we need to go to (swimming lessons) and one that is coming to us (our Realtor). As far as the second, well let's just say that it has been days since Finley pooped. The last time she did this (went days without pooping) I walked into the room while Heather was changing her, took one look (and smell) and was forever grateful Heather was right there so I could promptly turn around and walk out (hey, don't laugh I am just being honest). This time it's all me!

I will let you know how it goes.

(UPDATED @ 10:09)

Well, it's 10:00 and all the lights are off except for a few night lights in the house and the glow from my mac. My girls are all soundly sleeping, including my beautiful hard working wife. In case you are wondering, I made it to swim lessons on time and handled an excessive amount of greeny-brown gooey poop with out gagging. I do believe the house is just as clean as it was this morning when I woke up, however I will have to verify that in in the morning when the lights are on - I think the darkness may be playing tricks on me. Till then.