One of my classes this past semester was a preaching class. One can't be enrolled in a preaching class without delivering a message or two during the course of the semester. To maintain structure and a sense of order my professor assigned us to deliver a message from the book of Ephesians. He set aside the last three weeks of school so that we would all have an opportunity to be graded and critiqued by a seasoned veteran and our classmates. He divided us into three groups and sent us on our way. The best part about all of this, for three weeks I sat and listened to God speak through my classmates as they delivered their messages from the book of Ephesians.
If you know anything about the book of Ephesians then you know that it can be broken into two sections. The first section (chapters 1-3) deal with doctrinal issues while the second section (chapters 4-6) deal with practical issues. It is in the middle of the second section that we find some familiar passages centered on the relationships between a husband and wife and parent and a child. I sat in class on my last day listening to a message on the marital union (Ephesians 5:22-33) and parenting (Ephesians 6:1-4).
Above all else, I am called to be Godly husband and father. Above all else, I want to be known and remembered for the husband I was to Heather and the father I was to Maya and Finley. Above all else, I want everyone to know that my wife and daughters mean more to me then any job I may have, any title I may bear, or any other privilege or honor I may be given.
Lesson #1: Above all else
Lesson #2: The church as the body and family
Lesson #3: People or programs
Lesson #4: To consume or to be consumed
Lesson #5: For mine or yours
Lesson #6: Peter Pan & leadership
Lesson #7: Rainbow vs. pot of gold
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