A few months ago I decided I needed to expand my horizon. Instead of working off of the same old list of books I generated on cbd.com (Christian Book Distributor) long ago I choose to look elsewhere and read other genres. Don’t get me wrong, I am thoroughly enjoying making my way through my list (that is over 5 pages long) with books such as Culture Making: Recovering our Creative Calling, The Blue Parakeet: Rethinking How You Read the Bible, and Reason For God: Belief in the Age of Skepticism just waiting to be read. However, the fact still remains that I need to broaden my horizon and take in a few different types of genres.
So, what type of genre should I pursue? Believe it or not, I am not a fan of fiction. I think self help books are a joke. I am sick of reading any book related to business, marketing, finance and the like. I have already read every quality romance novel that is on the shelves in the local book store. Oh wait, there aren’t any! (This might explain why I have never read one and never will.)
This means the only available genre left for me to pursue would be something having to do with history. Therefore, I decided I needed to buy a couple of books that dealt with the few areas of history that peaked my interest. With that being said, I sought to find books that covered the civil rights movement and presidential history. Having received a gift card as a Christmas present I was able to purchase two books, I Have A Dream: Writings and Speeches That Changes the World by Martin Luther King Jr., and Dreams from my Father by Barack Obama. I even left money on the card so that I could purchase one of the following, My Dearest Friend: Letters of Abigail and John Adams or Two Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln.
I share all of this with you as an introduction. You see, the first book I choose to read was Obama’s book, Dreams of my Father. I expected the book to be a simple narrative about his life, starting with his younger years as a boy and moving up through manhood as a teenager, a young man, a husband, and a father. I got what I expected and more. The “more” part has compelled me too blog about it.
However you are going to have to stay tuned for “more”
Open Source CS Degree
9 years ago
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