I love it when….
- Finley walks over to Maya when she is crying and pats her back to maker her feel better. Not only that, but she will normally place her head on her somewhere in order to give her a love and the assurance that it will be alright. (This in fact is what happened last night and is serving as the catalyst to this list).
- I walk into my bedroom at night and hear Heather snoring. For this is the only time I know for sure that she is sleeping. Let’s face it; a sleeping wife is a good thing.
- I enter into a fascinating conversation at work with a new member, an existing member, or co-worker.
- I hear Finley call everything “dada,” that is except for her mama which she affectionately calls by name.
- Maya asks me in the morning, “Daddy is a stay at home day?”
- I am part of making things wrong, right again. It‘s called justice, ladies and gentleman. I love being a part of justice.
- I have one of those lengthy conversations, the kind that lasts for days because there is no end to it. The kind of conversation that is multi-layered, thought provoking, and full of implication and application.
- I make my sister think.
- My mom comes and hangs out with my girls and me.
- Heather gives me “the look.” The look that says, “I love you, let’s do it and make it happen. We are in this together.”
- When things come together for Tessera Community Church.
- My wife let's me ramble on and on and on. I mean, I love it when my wife listens to me and let's me share what is on my heart and mind.
- A new insight is gleaned through my Bible reading or my listening to a message either in person or on my ipod.
- Everyone in the house is asleep and I am the only one awake sitting in the family room reading a good book.
- I feel the arms of my Savior holding me tight.
- I have alone time with my wife.
- I have alone time with Maya.
- I have alone time with Finley.
- Maya says to me, “don’t leave yet daddy. We haven’t had our cuddle time yet.”
- Maya and Finley follow me to the door every morning to say one last good bye as I walk out on my way to work.
- I Play blocks and barbies with Maya. You see, I have to build the blocks into a castle so Maya’s barbies can have a place to live and sleep.
- I am speechless at God’s nature.
- I wow my boss and co-workers.
- I make other people smile.
- I get the chance to be the “goofy uncle” to my nieces and nephews.
- I am sitting at the table with all my family.
- I get a chance to take my girls to McDonald’s to hang out with Mom-mom and Pop-pop and all of their friends.
- When Maya makes Finley laugh.
- Hears stories of faith and transformation.
- I get to notch the belt in one more notch.
- Maya won't let anyone leave her with out giving them hugs and kisses.