Like every other Thursday Heather picked up Maya from school to bring her home and as usual they talked about her day on the home. Maya told Heather about a conversation she had with one of her friends, Lilly. Lilly asked, "Maya, who is picking you up today? Is it you daddy, your mommy, or how about your papa?" Maya replied, "My papa is in heaven." After telling Heather about her conversation with Lilly she went on and informed Heather about her recent conversation with God. "God said that papa was going to come back." To which Heather gently replied, "no honey, I'm sorry papa is in heaven for good." Maya boldly informed Heather that, "no he's not he is with nan right now."
Did I forget to tell you that yesterday was my parents anniversary. The story makes more sense now doesn't it?
I called my mom to tell her of the conversation and she simply replied, "how does she know, how can she sense those things?"
It's amazing the comfort and joy that memories bring. You would think they would be enough, but there not. What's more amazing is the comfort and joy that we receive knowing that our loved ones are in the presence of our Lord and Savior. It is because of Christ's death and Resurrection that we can find comfort and joy in times of trouble. Positive memories will only last so long, eventually they fade away. What's the one thing that will never fade? God's love.
I believe it was the Tuesday in between my father's death and his memorial service that I was sitting in chapel at Seminary dreading the fact that I had to be there when I didn't want to be. A message was given that chapel by one of my professor's (Dr. Terveen) who suffered a traumatic loss of his daughter years ago. I came across a pod cast of the same message given a few weeks ago at a local church. The message is entitled God's Voice of Comfort and all you have to do is click on the podcast player to listen to it.
Listen to it!
Open Source CS Degree
9 years ago
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